Friday, July 11, 2008

Bird Flu?

Boggle does the mind:

Hope fine, My name is M.MOUNIR working with AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (ADB) OUAGADOUGOU BURKINA-FASO. During our periodic auditing this year, I discovered a dormant accounts with holding balance of (£5,000.000.00) {Five million British Pounds Starlings} this account has not been operated for the past years. As at this moment, I am constrained to issue more details about this business until your response is received.

My emphasis :)  Why do English plurals seem to be such a problem for 419ers?  Are they generally a problem for English speakers from African countries?  Not from my limited experience but ...
HTTP Error 403: You are not authorised to access the file "\real_name_and_address.html" on this server.

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