But this is what I object to, from the Beeb of course:
He joined the Army in 1977 as a private, was commissioned as an officer in 1995 and is said to be one of the service's most high-ranking former non-commissioned officers.
He might be "said to be" in the meeja circles around Notting Hill. But he isn't. Straight off the top of my head, I give you Major General David McDowall, GOC 2 Div and Governor of Edinburgh Castle. Now, do I remember seeing something about him in the press recently ... Ahh, yes, the BBC:
A soldier from a harbour town in south west Scotland is to advise the UK Government on social mobility.
Maj Gen David McDowall MBE grew up in a council house in Stranraer and started his military career as a private with the Royal Signals.
He will represent the armed forces on a panel set up to help remove obstacles to accessing professional jobs.
Update: The Jockman are at it too:
who is thought to be one of the army's most senior former non-commissioned officers, has been returned to the UK on suspicion of breaching the secrets act.
Here is their 29 Jan article about Gen McDowall, "The class warrior". Bunch of preening journo tits, the whole bloody lot of them.
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