Thursday, June 28, 2012

Things that are currently pissing me off - 6

I'm having to type some stuff - limited aspects of a large report - in American. My bloody spell-checker keeps putting all the 'u's back in. Aaaaaaargh. When is gin o'clock, exactly?


Anonymous said...

Change your spell-checker language to Eng (US) (aka "English for dummies").

Gin o'clock is a 24-hour thing.

Radical Rodent

Surreptitious Evil said...


Unfortunately, it is sentences and quotations in a larger work written in actual English. I'm not sure that the work necessary to change it phrase by phrase between 'u' and 'non-u' is sufficient unto the place thereof.

I took your advice on the latter point, however. Well before 9:34pm.

Anonymous said...

You can set the spell-check language as part of the style in Word. Define a "quotation" style and it should adjust automatically.

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