Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Looking forward to 2008

Well, what about a bit of a wish list for 2008. Real stuff, so no lottery wins or world peace (or, for that matter, merely peace in Iraq and Afghanistan). What do I think?
  • Clearly, Mrs S-E's business taking off would yank quite a bit of stress off me ...
  • A new job - or, at least, decent work (and pay) from the current one.
  • Prosecutions in all (I'll settle for any) of the current political contributions scandals.
  • Boris Johnson wins the election as London Mayor. Ideally, but unlikely, Brian Paddick beats Ken in to 3rd place.
  • The "megamosque" proposal is binned, never to rise again.

And the unlikely stuff:
  • A vote of no confidence in Gordon Brown and a snap election with a Tory win
  • Des Browne is cut in half and preserved by Damien Hirst. One to be displayed in the Madhouse, the other at Dover House.
Again, I will add to this as things occur to me.

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